Here’s Where a Partial Solar Eclipse Can Be Seen in California – The New York Times

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The sun, or at least most of it, will keep shining in California during the eclipse.

While the nation’s most populous state was far from the path of totality, scattered gatherings organized by communities and universities, especially in Southern California, were ready to greet a partial solar eclipse.

The moon was expected to cover 49 percent of the sun at 11:21 a.m. local time in Los Angeles, where there is a small chance of cloudy weather.

Caltech in Pasadena, California State University, Los Angeles, and the California Science Center, also in Los Angeles, were among the institutions in Southern California holding viewing events on Monday. Several public libraries throughout Los Angeles were also hosting eclipse gatherings or distributing free protective glasses.

The National Weather Service in San Diego said clouds over the region were “quickly diminishing,” setting up favorable conditions for viewing the partial eclipse.

Farther north, the Bay Area was expected to see about 34 percent of the sun blotted out. Meteorologists in San Francisco forecast a sunny Monday.

In the northern-most reaches of the state, near the Oregon border, coverage of the sun was expected to be no more than 25 percent.

California has not experienced a total solar eclipse in more than a century, when totality reached part of the Southern California coast on Sept. 10, 1923.

The next time a total solar eclipse will pass over California is in 2045.

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